Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rain, Rain, Rain & Carey

Just because it's winter, cold, wet, windy, and rainy doesn't mean you can't take amazing photos! Carey helped proved this today by braving the rain and wind for just over an hour. She was such a trooper, you can't even tell it was raining and cold! My sister carried the towels and followed us around with a big umbrella, attempting to keep my camera as dry as possible. Carey contacted me about doing a shoot awhile back, just for kicks, and I'm so glad she did. She was such a fun person to work with, willing to try all my crazy poses. Hopefully I'll be able to do some couple pictures for her in the future. Take a look at the beautiful results!


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the 4th picture up from the bottom. The coloring (black and white) and the clarity and the facial expression and the cropping/framing. BEAUTIFUL! Most definitely my FAVE of the group.

    Nicely done!!
