Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photographing Art- A new adventure

Being an art major and photographer has given me the opportunity to photograph art- and lots of it. Tonight I will be shooting artwork for my school's published work of arts, Hagios. A few weeks ago I photographed some of Sierra Holder's portfolio- you can see her website here. She is an amazing graphic designer and studio artist and I'm honored to photograph some her work. Sierra will be helping me design my new logo and business front- Creo Photography- that will be coming in the next few weeks! Here is some her work, check out her website for her whole portfolio: 

These next four pieces are made out of paper- amazing! They are the images for greeting cards.

I will soon be posting a price list for those of you who need your art photographed. It is important for your work to be digitalized in our current industry. Quality digital portfolios will get you further when looking and applying for jobs and internships. Contact me if you need your art photographed!


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