Monday, March 21, 2011

{Rainy Monday Afternoon: Allie C}

This week is my spring break and my goal is to do as many sessions as I can, even if they're small! I have a maternity tomorrow morning, two little one's who both turned 1 recently, and possibly 2 newborn sessions. Lots! Which also leaves me with a lot of editing but I love editing so that's a good thing (: If you want to book a shoot let me know cause my days are fillin' up!

Allie and I met up around noon today despite the drizzly weather. It's a love hate relationship with this weather right now- best lighting ever but I hate rain... it truly makes everything difficult. So bring on the sun and hot temps! But I wasn't going to let the drizzle stop us for doing a little mini-session. 
She is beautiful inside and out... take a look!

Can never go wrong with a take out (:


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