Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday Evening Madness

I did a two hour shoot tonight in the "studio" aka Brougher 3(?). I had 7 people show up with hardly any notice and we had fun just messing around and listening to music and telling stories. Then I took photos of Sierra's art pieces- that blog will be this weekend. I'm running on empty but I can never do a shoot and then not put up something... So I did some quick edits and as soon as I'm done posting this my head will soon hit the pillow. Enjoy!

Best laughing face... ever.

Basically Brothers

These guys love to ham it up...

Tim & Bonnie

Monday, February 28, 2011

Switching up the Company Name

When I really started pursuing my own business I had no idea what kind of company name I wanted, and being indecisive about anything creative, I landed on KRR Photography. 
Well, I think it's about time I gave my business a creative name (and logo), something that is a little more memorable and perhaps- capturing. 
 During my freshman year, my school chapel team held a creative worship evening centered around art and the event was called "Creo." Creo was on posters all around campus and the word kept jumping out to me until I found out what it meant. In Latin it means "to create" and in Spanish it means "to believe." I was astonished at how fitting this word was to my life. God has given me a gift, a gift to create, a gift to capture, a gift to give. My photography blossoms when He is at the heart of it. And as many of you know, when something strikes a chord that deep in me, I'll put in ink- on me. 
The word creo is located on my left wrist, a daily reminder that I am God's child and that I need to use the gifts He gave me. Because creo means "to create" I wanted this tattoo to have color in it, something a little more strikingly, to put it simply, art. 
I use Matt, my boyfriend, as a sounding board all too often when it comes to art. For the last couple of months I've been throwing around different names for my business. One day he mentioned using Creo and I was dumbfounded at why I didn't think of it before. It's a prominent word in my life and it pertains quite well to my photography. Then just last week, one of my close friends was showing me some of her paper art, and again I was floored. She showed me two, one of which was a tree with Creo in the middle. I fell in love with it, instantly. I loved the colors and the design. All I could think is "this could be my logo!"
That being said- Creo Photography may be the new name you'll be seeing next to my work. I don't know what my logo will be, but I'm pretty sure Creo will be the name. I need to decide rather quickly, as I need to getting going on putting together an official "face" for my business before summer hits. I think God has been pushing me in this direction for long enough, it's time to listen to Him.

All of this is paper- absolutely amazing!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rain, Rain, Rain & Carey

Just because it's winter, cold, wet, windy, and rainy doesn't mean you can't take amazing photos! Carey helped proved this today by braving the rain and wind for just over an hour. She was such a trooper, you can't even tell it was raining and cold! My sister carried the towels and followed us around with a big umbrella, attempting to keep my camera as dry as possible. Carey contacted me about doing a shoot awhile back, just for kicks, and I'm so glad she did. She was such a fun person to work with, willing to try all my crazy poses. Hopefully I'll be able to do some couple pictures for her in the future. Take a look at the beautiful results!


{Irina & Joel: Engagement}

I had the privilege of working with Irina and Joel today. Although it was chilly, really chilly, we had a wonderful time! From the back walls of Newberg to a beautiful orchard, we braved the weather and finished within the hour. We had originally planned for a shoot back in November but I ended up in the hospital, and Joel was in Indiana, so we postponed... until now! 
It was great to finally meet the two, and they were such a willing and joyful couple to work with. And thank you to Sierra who was my assistant today! 
Every time I finish editing, I think to myself- I love my job. This summer is going to be amazing. 
Start spreading the word- I'm working full time in Vancouver with photography this summer!
